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Legrand products contribute to reducing the environmental impacts when building, retrofitting and operating a building 

The Materials and Resources (MR) category* focuses on minimizing energy and other impacts associated with the extraction, processing, transport, maintenance, and disposal of building materials. 

*Use of multiple products within the designated credit does not equate to achievement of multiple points in all cases. 

Legrand Products Contribute to the Following Credits

v4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Environmental Product Declarations  1
v4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Material Ingredients  1
Pilot credit for 2009  Material Multi-Attribute Assessment  1
v4 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – Sourcing of Raw Materials 1
2009 Recycled Content  1
v4 Construction and Demolition Waste Management  2
2009 Regional Materials  2

Material Multi-Attribute Assessment & Building Product Disclosure and Optimization Credits

​​​​​​​Material Multi-Attribute Assessment (pilot credit for 2009): To increase the use of products and materials with life-cycles, ingredients and attributes that improve overall environmental, economic and social performance. 

Building product disclosure and optimization – environmental product declarations (v4): To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. 

Building product disclosure and optimization – Material Ingredients (v4): To reward project teams for selecting products for which the chemical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation of harmful substances.   

Max. Potential Point(s): 2 

Recycled Content and Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials Credits 

Recycled Content (2009): Increase the use of recycled materials in building products. 

Building product disclosure and optimization – sourcing of raw materials (v4): To reward project teams for selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner. Use products that contain recycled content for 25% of products by cost. 

Max. Potential Point(s): 1 

Learn more about the LEED-contributing products for this credit

Regional Materials Credit  

Regional Materials (2009): Increase the demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region. 

Max. Potential Point(s): 1 

Legrand has over 10 manufacturing locations across North America. Our sales representatives can help you determine whether the products you purchase can be considered regional materials. Point(s): 2

Construction and Demolition Waste Management Credit 

Construction and Demolition Waste Management (v4): To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities, via Option 2 – Reduction of Total Waste Material. 

Max. Potential Point(s): 2 

Learn more about the LEED-contributing products for this credit

Legrand’s LEED Product Guide showcases the totality of our offering to support your new construction project.

Legrand’s LEED professionals offer insights and support on choosing the right products.

Legrand Product Contributions